16StepFreqSeq.bgrp ---------------------- Modification of the Plogue 16 step sequencer to sync from a clock source. This deprecates 16 Steps Seq Sync.bgrp 16StepKeyNoteSeq.bgrp ---------------------- 16 step midi note sequencer that allows you to choose your key, your note withinthe key, and octave offset. 16StepNoteSeq.bgrp ---------------------- 16 step midi note sequencer using note names (eg C0, F#2, etc) 16StepProbSeq.bgrp ---------------------- Just like 16StepFreqSeq.bgrp, but outputs values between 0-1 for use with the 16StepTriggerSeqRnd's probability input 16StepTriggerSeq.bgrp ---------------------- 16 step trigger sequencer, can set static output note value or use external frequency control to choose the note. This deprecates 16 Steps Trigger Seq Sync.bgrp 16StepTriggerSeqRnd.bgrp ---------------------- Similar to above, except you can choose to set a step to "Random", in which case the random chance slider above will select the probability of this step sounding or not. If you use the external probability input (0-1), the slider in the group itself will act as an offset to the incoming value. Random Gate Clock.bgrp --------------------- Similar to Stochastic MIDI Note Select.bgrp below, this group will spit out midi notes at random musical divisions of the master tempo clock. Note pitches can be either a static note set internally or a note set by the midi input. You can weight the tempo divisions heavier in the random selection by putting them into the text field multiple times. Stochastic MIDI Note List Sync.bgrp Stochastic MIDI Note Sync.bgrp Stochastic MIDI Seq Sync.bgrp ---------------------- Modifications of the Plogue stochastic seq modules to sync from an external sync source. These deprecate previous groups of the same name. Stochastic MIDI Note Select.bgrp ---------------------- Modification of Stochastic MIDI Note List Sync.bgrp, done for easier use by non-techie musicians. This group has 8 menus to select MIDI note values (1-8), the "Note Select List" text entry box is where you tell it which of the 8 note values it should choose from when generating random notes. You can enter numbers in multiple times to weight them heavier than other notes. The "Durations List" is unchanged, this sets the possible random note lengths. The "Velocities List" is similar to the old "Amplitudes List", except values entered here are midi velocities (0-127) instead of amplitudes (0-1).